Saturday, July 24, 2004

La noche aburrida de un bagel...

En un sábado por la noche, un bagel solo se encontraba. La ventanita de su vida social contenía dos personas en línea.(Aclaración, una de las personas no cuenta, es familia, jejeje) Oh pobre bagel! Qué podría hacer?! Entonces, la noche avanzaba, y las cosas seguían igual. De repente.... Se dio cuenta de que su ortografía era pesima, eh... No importa! De todas maneras, se acordó del blogger y ya no fue tan aburrido, :).
Bueno, ahí va el joroscopo del domingo...
Dear Scorpio,
This Sunday you'll find yourself waking up in bed. You will be hungry right after you wake up, maybe, maybe not. This horoscope can't really say since it can't predict the future... Your day will be filled with O2 and HO2, perhaps some soap, some sugar... Your bed will probably remain undone. The keyboard which once was one color will look like an evil fiend from hell. This horoscope truly hopes it has a name because it will start walking next week. Chocolate will seem irresistible this day...

Friday, July 23, 2004

5.50pm +10 min dif puebla-cholula

Dear Scorpio
Today the sky will be mostly gray and possibly rainy. You will need to turn the lights on to see. Your cellphone wil find itself losing credit with each message you send from it. There is a high probability of a thing visiting you today, and it will remain as yucky as it's been. Strange particles of gray matter will cover your desk the whole week. You will have strange flashbacks of vodka which of course you never drank. You will find yourself attracted by a squared object with windows and images, also a keyboard and a mouse, maybe even some speakers. Typing will seem very difficult for you today. You'll turn around words, and occasionally you'll stare blankly at a funny spot on the wall, which might have been caused by something you ate. Your keyboard will start walking tomorrow, and it might need to be named...

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Hello again!!

Son las once de la noche y pues ya no creo verte hasta el jueves. Entonces, que mejor medio que el blog para decirte que nos vemos la semana que viene, jejejeje. Espero que todo haya ido bien hoy y que las cosas no hayan estado tan weird como ayer. A por cierto, no se te olvide que si necesitas algo, existe la fabulosa tecnología del celular :). Bueno, nos vemos otro día y no te aburras mucho eh, ves mucha tele, juegas mucho ragnar, o como se escriba, y también me pones muchos mensajitos.
Nos vemos el jueves...

You're in... The Twilight Zone...

Ok, estoy loca, eso ya lo probé. Pero bueno, inge su, jajajajaja.

Anyway.... You're now in The Twilight Zone (read with special lightning sound effects)
Oh well, we both know the thing has caused some major alterations to these summer vacations, so technicallly it is the twilight zone (with out any metaphysical bs)

So lets put it this way, things with the 'thing' are going to be a little more rough from now on, and probably painful. The important thing is to realize that you're not going to be alone when you go through what ever you have to go through, wether it is happy or not. Bumpy roads are not the end of the world, and sometimes that bump helps you grow a little higher. So don't let anyone stop you from growing... and if that happens, I'll have a shovel ready jeje

Things just keep getting weirder

Things with t ime... can improve or just get weirder... now i know

Friday, July 16, 2004

Dear Scorpio

Today's horoscope
H2O will play an important part on you day. Things will seem cold and the water might have something to do with it. There will be a thing showing up, and it might be short. Today, sleep will be necesary, as well as oxygen. You might find it hard to get out of bed, the sheets might turn into monsters and try to keep you in bed.


I guess that by the time im 30 ill rather eat a WHOLE box of chocolates than go on a date
Originally uploaded by _Monirobs_.


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Today.... my plans have been altered due to a thing that will arrive at 4 pm today!! My life... (yes watch tv, talk to bagel ALL day, and do nothing at all) are threatened by an ugly, nasty and careless "human being" (Panecito if you see him (foto) run to the opposite way) MEN SUCK!

Friday night...

It is Thursday night but anyway...
Plans for Friday:
1. Watch t.v.
2. Correct no. 1 because first I have to work
3. Eat
4. Eat more
5. Read
6. Eat again
7. Sleep
8. Sleep and watch tv
9. Chat

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Jueves 11.30 (+10min dif. cholula)

As every day, today we find ourselves looking up lives on WalMart's webpage. Unfortunately, they still don't sell them.
Today's Horoscope for Scorpio
Dear scorpio, today you'll find oxygen very useful. Don't be tricked it will be essential for your day. Your nose will all of a sudden turn red and you won't know why. You will talk with your friends today, and tomorrow you might find yourself doing the same.